Matthew Voigts DO AtlasPROfilax Specialist based in London.
Matthew has over 25 years clinical experience as an osteopath qualifying from the British School of Osteopathy in 1987.
He is a member of the General osteopathic council, the British Acupuncture Council and the International Association of Qualified AtlasPROfilax Practitioners. Matthew is also a board member of the international association, part of his duties include interviewing and assessing future medical professionals desiring to train in the AtlasPROfilax method.
Matthew Voigts describes himself as an upper cervical specialist and is the only osteopath in the UK qualified to use the AtlasPROfilax method.
This is a Swiss technique developed by Rene Schumperlii used to correct atlas malrotation which involves mechanical vibration and pressure strategically applied to the suboccipital soft tissues.
A German MRI study has shown that 98 per cent of the population have atlas malrotation and that the AtlasPROfilax procedure is corrective for this condition.
Matthew has also carried out a measurement study on 350 patients using an iliac crest inclinometer (The Voigts Inclinometer and its use for measuring spinal junctional angles and straight leg raising test (SLRT)). This study indicates that the AtlasPROfilax procedure corrects pelvic misalignment and functional leg length discrepancy.
Matthew states that the AtlasPROfilax method, as well as improving spinal alignment, pelvic tilt and functional leg length discrepancy, that many of his patients have reported improvements in symptoms such as head, neck and low back pain.
Dizziness, head, facial and jaw joint pain and also improvements in sleep quality and digestive symptoms.
Once restoration of the atlas is accomplished dramatic changes can occur physically and emotionally. Our testimonial page gives examples of changes that have occurred with our patients.
'It has been observed that most humans have a misaligned atlas bone.There are various explanations for this misalignement. It may be an inherited defect or occur due to mechanical stress during birth. Some believe it may be due to physical trauma to this area of the neck during infancy when bony development has not fully taken place or there are more esoteric explanations.' says co-founder Laurence Edney
AtlasPROfilax is a natural non-invasive method which was developed, after years of investigation, by the Swiss Renee-Claudius Schumperlii between 1993 and 1996.
Combining holistic kinesiology with biophysics, this technique allows the correction of a minor dysfunction of the Atlas – the first vertebra of the spinal column – through a regulated vibropressure on particular short muscles in the neck.
Among the most frequent causes of minor dysfunction of the Atlas are events such as instrument assisted births, some obstetric handlings, moderate traumas to the cranio-mandibular region and accidents that involve whiplash, among others.
Depending on these factors, the articular relationship between the occipital bone and the Atlas will be affected to a larger or lesser degree.
The method has been studied and validated by the Medical Institute of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, which has more than 25 years of experience and belongs to the German University of Witten-Herdecke. Conditions of the vertebral column have been studied and treated at this German institute using the latest generation 3D Computerised Axial Tomography.
AtlasPROfilax was the subject of a 5 year scientific imaging study using MRI and CAT in 3D.
The study demonstrated the validity of its proposers, to show that in a great proportion of the population there is a cranio-caudal deviation with tilting of the Atlas – in relation to the occipital condyles and the axis.
The efficacy and safety of the AtlasPROfilax method for correction of this dysfunction was also confirmed.
Other epidemiological studies performed by physicians in Ecuador and Colombia (in 2007-2008) in 900 patients determined the high effectiveness of the AtlasPROfilax method and substantial improvement in 9 common disorders.
Effectiveness of the AtlasPROfilax method in 9 common ailments, Ecuador-Colombia 2007-2008
Total improv.Great improv.No improv.Average months passed till total improv.Studied Cases
Cervical pain without disc herniation86%5%9%6235
Low back pain without disc herniation78%11%11%10538
Tonic-clonic epilepsy79%13%8%7163
Idiopathic Scoliosis 45 °62%16%22%16620
Cervical Herniated Disc (with lateral protrusion)39%38%33%9159
Lumbar Herniated Disc (with lateral protrusion)38%52%10%14584
Migraine or vascular headache90%4%6%4180
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome83%4%13%3147
The statistics mentioned above are based on the documented monitoring of patients from Colombia and Ecuador between 2007 and 2008 after the AtlasPROfilax treatment. The first follow up was performed two months after the therapy and the second follow up was made a year or more after the correction of the atlas.
The Atlas vertebra articulates with the cranium via the condyles of the occipital bone. A good anchoring of these two structures promotes correct positioning of the cranium with respect to the vertebral column. This results in the tendency towards good posture, balanced muscular forces (cervical,dorsal and lumbar) and to an aligned axis of the pelvis and iliac crests.
Minor dysfuncton of the Atlas generally has a negative effect on muscles and fascia of the back, and unbalances the postural axis of the body which is necessary for good posture and articular alignment. This can cause problems such as forward head posture, slumped shoulders, functional scoliosis, dorsal hyperkyphosis, lumbar hyperlordosis, pelvic torsion and functional short leg, among others.
Cranial-caudal deviation of the Atlas may disturb the normal irrigation of the brain due to slight compression of one of the vertebral arteries. This may provoke severe and chronic headaches, fatigue, difficulty sleeping, dizziness, balance disorders and learning problems (memory and concentration).
On the other hand, at the juncton of the occipital condyles and the Atlas are the Rectus Capitis Posterior muscles which are connected to the Dura Mater via a myodural bridge. This bridge registers mechanical stress levels that are produced at the Dura Mater and has an important function in proprioception ( the ability to report the position of muscles) and the balance of the body.
The permanent traction on the dura mater that is generated as a result of the alteration of good anchorage between the Atlas and occiput leads to a distortion of body communication. Brain signals are intensified which may give rise to vegetative disorders (insomnia, constipation, diarrhoea, dizziness etc) and may cause a disruption to the nerves of the extremities (arms and legs) causing pins and needles and/or numbness.
AtlasPROfilax is the application of a specific massage of the short muscles of the neck to mitigate existing contractures, allowing a natural realignment of the Atlas. It is performed in a single session, which is followed by a check up a few weeks later. The vibro-pressure used is safe, non-invasive and free from abrupt or aggressive tractions or manipulations of the neck.
Once the Atlas is corrected there tends to be a progressive restoration of good posture, a normalisation of tensión and tone of the body’s muscles, a natural realignment of the vertebrae as well as a decrease in pressure on some articulations (hip,knees). At the same time there is an improvement in the neural flow and the blood supply to the brain which leads to a reduction or remission of some chronic pains and an increase in vitality.
Realignment of the Atlas may bring about immediate improvements or slow and progressive improvements. However it can also produce, especially in more complex cases, certain discomforts which are necessary and transitory as the body readapts during a regeneration phase. Fatigue, cramp or the momentary reappearance of old, poorly healed problems are signs that the body is responding well to the realignment of the Atlas.
The purpose of this technique is to improve people’s quality of life and in no circumstances to replace or interfere with medical or non-medical treatments or with medicine (allopathic, homoeopathic or other). Therapies such as osteopathy, homoeopathy, chiropractic, neural therapy, acupuncture and physiotherapy, among others, tend to be much more effective once the Atlasprofilax method has been performed.
Usually it is people who are affected by chronic pain and who have been referred by a health professional who attend Atlasprofilax centres for treatment. However, people in good health, children and sports men and women also attend in order that once the minor dysfunction of the Atlas has been corrected their bodies work perfectly.
AtlasPROfilax can be applied to young children and the elderly.
AtlasPROfilax has been proved effective in the relief of the following:
Pain from
Loss of
Numbness and contractions in
Muscular and articular rigidity in
The Swiss technique AtlasPROfilax ,together with a healthy change in your habits, can improve or significantly reduce these symptoms and make an important contribution to your quality of life.
All professionals trained in AtlasPROfilax have to pass an annual quality control in order to obtain a re-certification in the method. Always check that the health professional you visit is listed in the Official Directory of the Webpage.
AtlasPROfilax® FAQ
How many appointments do I need?
The application of the AtlasPROfilax method takes two scheduled appointments.
First appointment -
includes full medical history
atlas assessment
when indicated application of the AtlasPROfilax method
Second appointment –
atlas check
if indicated recommendation of beneficial supporting applications.
At the Atlas Clinic I provide osteopathic treatment for patients who may wish to have continuing support for their secondary musculo-skeletal issues or to help with the unwinding process that occurs after atlas correction.
What if my atlas is not misaligned?
If your atlas is assessed to be in its correct neutral position no charge will be made for your appointment
Is it painful?
The AtlasPROfilax treatment is gentle and painless. If a person is more sensitive and is feeling pain I will cooperate with them to make the experience as comfortable as possible. It must be stressed that this procedure is non-manipulative and non-invasive and there is no crunching, cracking or twisting of the neck.
Who should be corrected by the AtlasPROfilax method?
In my opinion everybody should have the opportunity to be corrected if necessary. I have
corrected babies from the age of 4 months and adults in there 90's . At the Atlas Clinic a full medical history is taken and each patient is individually assessed for there suitability for the procedure. Pregnant women are not corrected.
Assessment and correction of children is particularly beneficial as there adaptation to correction of spinal alignment is very quick. For this reason the AtlasPROfilax method should be seen as a preventative measure in this age group even if they appear to be in good health.
What can I expect following the procedure?
In the majority of patients that I correct an immediate objective improvement in neck mobility in all directions and correction of leg lengths and pelvic levels is observed. Subjectively patients have many different experiences which is not surprising as each individual has there own history and development of sensory input. Some people notice an immediate improvement in symptoms they may have others report improvements over time. Healing reactions can occur where old symptoms return for a time and then disappear.